1984 – Why Cling to Power?

This is another extract from 1984. This one speaks of why The Party clings to power and what they intend to do with it. Knowing this remains relevant in our times. Let’s not treat this merely as work of fiction. 1984 helps us understand where some politicians come from. … Read More 1984 – Why Cling to Power?

Actors and Factors of change

When I wrote about Theory of Change I had mentioned actors and factors of change in the passing and how the understanding of these can help one theorize about how change may happen. In this post, let’s see what these are in some more detail and also look at some examples.… Read More Actors and Factors of change


To be able to attribute change to one’s interventions, one needs to be able to get rid of the impact of other factors that may have affected, environmental noise. The most effective way of doing it is by establishing a counterfactual. What exactly is a counterfactual in context of a development program?

This post is sixth in a series where I attempt to demystify jargon that we use in the development world.… Read More Counterfactuals

Love Jihad and Other Fictions : Book review

This is a book that aims to explore the backgrounds of the polarising narratives that we Indians have been constantly bombarded with:
1. Love Jihad
2. Population Jihad
3. Muslim Appeasement and
4. Forced conversion

These narratives and claims are no longer confined to the fringes. They form part of strategy of ministers, members of parliament, party ideologues and sundry powerful people. Their power has increased the deadly effect of these narratives.

We need to understand the truth and help debunk lies wherever we see them being peddled. … Read More Love Jihad and Other Fictions : Book review

Hope is Not a Strategy

The book speaks of the absolute imperative of aligning organizational culture with your strategy and mission. As the authors say “Alignment and culture aren’t by-products of success; they are the foundation.”

If you are an entrepreneur who is just starting out or has just started out, read the book. Don’t leave this aspect for later thinking you will just focus on hard business aspects. That would be dangerous. There may not be a later, if you don’t get this right.
Read More Hope is Not a Strategy

Theory of Change

A theory of change is a pictorial description of how one theorizes change will happen. A theory of change should depict what change one desires to see in the world and the pathway to getting there. At the end of the day, a ToC is important, even critical, but it remains only a THEORY. It is not reality unless it is forged in the heat of implementation and review. … Read More Theory of Change

Power Play

Understanding where power lies, where it is derived from, and how it operates is important in all walks of life. This is especially critical in the development world where taking a rights-based approach means wanting to shift power. In this second piece in my demystifying development jargon, I look at power. … Read More Power Play